Raymond's Blog

Articles, page 9

Redesigned dotsphinx.com CSS
Posted on December 14th, 2002 by
Internal redesign of the site. The site now makes full use of the latest CSS technology, and no longer relies on HTML tables to do fancy layouting. I invite you to have a look at the HTML source of this page.
Saint Nicholas shut down
Posted on December 4th, 2002 by
My provider closed down the site because it generated too much traffic. This year it reached approximately 70000 visitors per day before being shut down. The number is slightly down from last year where it got 92550 visitors in one day before being shut down. Currently, moving to a dedicated server is not (financially) feasible. It would be if the site received that much traffic during the whole year, and not just on Saint Nicholas...
Workrave shop opened
Posted on November 29th, 2002 by
We opened an online Workrave shop: buy original Workrave items (T-shirts, mugs, caps, ...) to sponsor the Workrave project.
Workrave 1.0.0 released
Posted on October 31st, 2002 by
After extensive testing we finally present our first production release. Version 1.0.0 is rock solid and ready for daily usage at the office. New in this release is a Dutch translation, and the daily limit window is fully operational now.
Workrave 0.3.0 released
Posted on October 11th, 2002 by
Added sound support. For office PCs that do not have a sound card, you can choose to play sounds through the internal PC speaker. Also new, but still experimental, is distribution support, dubbed "The Collective". You can now create a network of Workrave instances running on several computers. All instances that are part of the collective share the same timer information, meaning that if one computer informs you to take a break, it is futile to flee to another computer as it...
Workrave 0.2.0 released
Posted on September 26th, 2002 by
Released soon after 0.1.0. Lots of bugs have been fixed, and the Windows version now has support for the system tray.
Workrave 0.1.0 released
Posted on September 22nd, 2002 by
This is the first public release of Workrave. Please note that Workrave is still undergoing heavy development. Having said that, the current development versions are already quite usable.
Redesign dotsphinx.com
Posted on July 16th, 2002 by
Redesigned the site. If you're feeling nostalgic, have a look at the designs from earlier times: 1995-1997, 1997-1999, or the year 1999-2001.
Posted on May 27th, 2002 by
Launched Light-a-Candle.
Gimp photo stack
Posted on April 5th, 2002 by
Added Gimp photo stack
Saint Nicholas Record
Posted on December 4th, 2001 by
The Saint Nicholas site section broke all records: 92550 page views in one day.