Raymond's Blog

Articles Tagged analytics

Saint Nicholas
Posted on December 5th, 2004 by

My site was taken off-line due to the enormous amounts of traffic flooding in because of Saint Nicholas. It was taken offline December 2nd. I cannot really blame my provider ( IPowerWeb ), in fact, I am quite pleased that the site could withstand all the traffic with their simple virtual server service. Some statistics:

  • Google AdSense counted 305895 page impressions on December 1st.
  • NedStat reported the following statistics:

Saint Nicholas shut down
Posted on December 4th, 2002 by
My provider closed down the site because it generated too much traffic. This year it reached approximately 70000 visitors per day before being shut down. The number is slightly down from last year where it got 92550 visitors in one day before being shut down. Currently, moving to a dedicated server is not (financially) feasible. It would be if the site received that much traffic during the whole year, and not just on Saint Nicholas...
Saint Nicholas Record
Posted on December 4th, 2001 by
The Saint Nicholas site section broke all records: 92550 page views in one day.