Raymond's Blog

Articles Tagged make

SCons — build your software better
Posted on August 9th, 2011 by

A few years ago I worked on a large (60+ man-year) software project, involving C/C++ and Java. The software stack originated from demonstrator software, and its make files had become unmanageable, and even worse, unreliable. After evaluating a lot of options we rewrote the entire build system based around SCons.

A few weeks ago an ex-collaegue contacted me with some questions how we approached things back then. Today, while attending a children's birthday party a discussion on...

Workrave 1.8.1 released
Posted on July 31st, 2005 by

A bug sneaked into version 1.8.0 that would make Workrave crash when the blocking mode was set to none. Version 1.8.1 contains a fix for this bug.

Hitchhiker dotSphinx re-launched!
Posted on April 25th, 2004 by

Today I finally got to re-launch my Hitchhiker. Until today, I just could not find the time to set the hiker free again, after we returned it home from the Travellers on Holiday . We dropped him off at Eindhoven's Kwartet Noord-Oost . This cache is very frequently visited, so there is a very high probability that it will make its next move within one or two weeks.

Hitchhiker dotSphinx unleashed
Posted on January 25th, 2004 by

We finally set our hitchhiker free, and dropped him off at Travellers on Holiday , a cache that collects travel bugs willing to travel internationally. I sure hope they accept hitchikers as well. Anyway, it is not your typical cache as you can tell by looking at the photo.

Let's hope the hitchhiker can make its way out of the Netherlands. Umm, let's also hope the kind people behind this cache do not take him straight to his designated destination,...