Raymond's Blog

Articles Tagged hitchhiker, page 2

Belgium, here we come!
Posted on April 2nd, 2004 by

The hiker has left the Netherlands! Ronpeer was so kind to place him just over the border in the Kattenboscache .

Hitchhiker dotSphinx brought home
Posted on February 28th, 2004 by

It turns out that the Travellers on Holiday cache hardly gets any visits. And, history shows that it takes quite a while for travellers to actually get out of the cache. This (and the fact that I wanted to show the hitchhiker to my brother who happened to be in the Netherlands for his job) made me decide to return the hitchhiker home.

By the way, on the way home, my one year old son pulled the little chain too...

Hitchhiker dotSphinx unleashed
Posted on January 25th, 2004 by

We finally set our hitchhiker free, and dropped him off at Travellers on Holiday , a cache that collects travel bugs willing to travel internationally. I sure hope they accept hitchikers as well. Anyway, it is not your typical cache as you can tell by looking at the photo.

Let's hope the hitchhiker can make its way out of the Netherlands. Umm, let's also hope the kind people behind this cache do not take him straight to his designated destination,...

Hitchhiker dotSphinx revealed
Posted on January 2nd, 2004 by

I have been tinkering with the idea of unleashing a Geocaching Hitchhiker to the world for quite some time now. Well, sometimes you need some new year resolutions to get the job done. So here he finally is, Hitchhiker dotSphinx! I can hardly wait to set him free...

Attached card, front side Attached card, back side Hitchhiker dotSphinx